Exiting the Matrix

Photo credit: Markus Spiske

Language is a software

Hackable, programmable, and true

It resonates in holographic hues

It carries frequencies, sounds,

Attracts, repels, creates, abounds…

It celebrates and liberates

Unless you grant it powers to enslave.

Quantum signatures entangle,

They implicate, enchant or save.

Most dialogues are an illusion,

A hard-to-spot, contrived collusion

Between the keepers of the realm

And the raiders at the helm.

Create an outcome you desire,

Unleash your inner, fervent fire.

Discover your dharma’s art.

Awaken your sacred heart.



Evelina Sodt, PhD

For educational purposes only. Nothing on this page intends to sell any product or service, treat, diagnose or prevent disease.